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SCO-OP International Seminar 2008

Feb.12th, 2008
Mizuno Auditorium at NIFS in Kanoya

Program & Proceedings
¦Reported only a summary of abstract


ŸOpening Ceremony/Greeting[PDF]

ŸKeynote Lecture[PDF]
gthe present condition and challenges of sporting profession job market in Germany as center of Europe societyh
Dr. Walter Tokarski(President, German Sport University Cologne, Germany)

ŸPanel Discussion
gThe present condition and educational challenges of Sporting co-op program for sporting professionh

gThe Job Market and Educational Challenges of Sporting Co-operetive Program for Sporting Professionh[PDF]
Dr. Geraldine H Van Gyn (Professor, University of Victoria, Canada)

gThe job market and educational challenges of sporting co-operetive program for sporting profession in German Sport Universityh[PDF]
Dr. Christoph Breuer (Professor, German Sport University Cologne, Germany)

gThe Current Status of Occupational Careers and Internship Programs for Physical Education and Kinesiology Degrees in Koreah[PDF]
Dr.Lim, Burn-Jang (Past professor of Soul University, Past president of Korean Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences, Korea)

gInpacts and Future Issues of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya Sporting Co-operative Education Program(SCO-OP) As an Educational Callengeh[PDF]
Mr.Masashi KawanishiiProfessor, Interdisciplinary Research Centerfor Lifelong Sport and Physical Activities, NIFS, Japanj

ŸRound Table Discussion

gThe Future Challenges and Prospects in Job Training for Sporting Professionsh

ŸSpecial Lecture[PDF]
gThe present condition of local sports club and Job market in Germanyh Dr. Christoph Breuer (Professor, German Sport University Cologne, Germany)

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